Pt. Nehru at Aligarh Muslim University in 1948

Speech by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru at the convocation in Aligarh Muslim University in 1948

I am proud of India, not only because of her ancient, magnificent heritage, but also because of her remarkable capacity to add to it by keeping the doors and windows of her mind and spirit open to fresh and invigorating winds from distant lands. India’s strength has been twofold; her own innate culture which flowered through the ages, and her capacity to draw from other sources and thus add to her own. She was far too strong to be submerged by outside stream.-(pp. 335)

I have said that I am proud of our inheritance and our ancestors who gave an intellectual and cultural pre-eminence to India. How do you feel about this past? Do you feel that you are also sharers in it and inheritors of it and, therefore, proud of something that belongs to you as much as to me? Or do you feel alien to it and pass it by without understanding it or feeling that strange thrill which comes from the realization that we are the trustees and inheritors of this vast treasure? I ask you these questions because in recent years many forces have been at play diverting people’s minds into wrong channels and trying to pervert the course of history.-(pp. 335)

You are Muslim and I am a Hindu. We may adhere to different religious faiths or even to none; but that does not take away from us that cultural inheritance that is yours as well as mine. The past holds us together, why should the present or the future divide us in spirit?-(pp. 335-336)